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Dawn Nicole Lettering Prompts - Week 5

Aren't you proud of me? I am finally starting to catch up! (Just ignore the fact that I haven't done any April prompts yet and the month is almost over...)

I was actually able to letter quite a bit in the past month or so, and I've really enjoyed it. I actually just started "inventing" a fun, sort of quirky font last night and this morning! It's been super fun, and I can't wait to share that with y'all! I might even do some lettering worksheets with the font... would that be something that y'all would like?

But for today, I have a quick peek into my bullet journal (and hence part of my life). Yes, I know that I tend to push things back to the next day... several days in a row. Yes, I know it's kinda messy sometimes. Yes, I know that I don't reach all of my goals. But I'm working on all of that, okay? You've just gotta accept me for who I am. ;)

As you can tell, I don't really use the weekly spreads, so I've stopped doing those. :) But I've been having a lot of fun with it, and these daily spreads work perfectly for me because I love lists and this helps me stay fairly organized.

And I have one last lettering project to share with y'all. I've been seeing where people use washi tape, write a big word across it, and then peel off the tape and write something else in that blank space. I've really wanted to do it and have tried with using just paper instead of washi tape before, but it didn't work so well. Now that I have washi tape, I thought I would try it out, and I actually like how it turned out (besides some slight spacing issues - rolling eyes).

Photo and lettering by Rachel Tero

This is before I pulled the tape off... this next video is my favorite because it's sped up, so it makes me look like I know what I'm doing. ;D

And here is the final pic of the final product! If anyone has any lettering questions, please feel free to either leave them in the comments below or drop me a note via email (you can use the boxes on any of the pages on this site). I'm not promising professional advice, but I can at least share what I've learned!

Photo and lettering by Rachel Tero

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